Ing. Michal Hrdina pre Priemysel Dnes

Ing. Michal Hrdina for Priemysel Dnes: Building the Future on Experience and Quality Employees

Read the latest interview with the CEO of ENSECO, a. s., Ing. Michal Hrdina, conducted for the magazine Priemysel Dnes 5/2024. In the interview, you will learn about the company’s current setup and plans for the near future and upcoming projects.

Apart from the activities in the nuclear industry, ENSECO continuously expands its service portfolio and invests in the latest technologies. In recent years, the company has acquired new technologies in vibration diagnostics and 3D laser scanning, enabling it to provide even higher-quality services to its clients.

Hrdina emphasizes in the interview that he sees the company’s future optimistically. ENSECO plans to complete Units 3 and 4 of the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant and focus on new projects abroad, particularly in the Czech Republic and Hungary. Moreover, the company is gradually expanding its scope into other industrial sectors, providing services for clients from paper, petrochemicals, and heating industries.

Find out more in the entire interview in the 5/2024 issue of Priemysel Dnes, or here:

Priemysel Dnes is a bimonthly magazine that brings current news from various industrial sectors, the economy, and business. Additionally, it offers reports and exclusive interviews with top managers of prestigious Slovak and Czech industrial companies. The magazine is published in Slovak and Czech, reaching a wide range of readers in both countries. It is an ideal source of information for those interested in industry developments, the latest trends, and events.

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