Thanks to the partnership with KP SAG, in which we have a participating interest with joint decision-making influence, we can provide the necessary calculations and design activities both on the domestic and Czech market. Our experienced team of designers and engineers covers a wide range of industries, from nuclear power to chemical and petrochemical industries, power industry and water management facilities. As a result, we are a valuable partner for clients in Slovakia and Czechia who lack a responsible partner in the field of engineering calculations. These activities can be utilized within an EPC contract or independently.
Who is KP SAG?
KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ STRESS ANALYSIS GROUP, s. r. o., was founded in 2000 by employees of the Strength Calculations Department of Královopolská RIA, a. s., formerly known as Výpočtové oddělení Královopolské strojírny Brno, a. s. Královopolská SAG thus inherited over 40 years of experience in design and calculations as a basis of its service offering. It was precisely this wealth of experience and extensive portfolio of calculations that made the partnership of our company ENSECO, a. s., and KP SAG so appealing to us, prompting us to invest our time and effort into it. We see the expansion of our services as an opportunity for professional and competitive growth, through which we aim to represent our brand in both domestic and foreign markets.
Our experienced and highly professional team of designers, calculation engineers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, and specialists in the field of calculations for fittings, piping, vessels and steel structures address our clients’ requirements on a daily basis, from routine to specialized tasks. Services in this area of calculations can also be utilized independently by our partners, allowing them to cover the gap they need to fill for their clients within project management by outsourcing to an external company.
Calculations and Analyses:
- Design calculations
- Static linear and nonlinear analysis (primary and secondary load analysis, analysis of temperature fields – steady-state and transient, thermal shocks)
- Dynamic (wind, vibrations, water hammer) and seismic analysis (mono- or multispectral methods, seismic response over time – direct integration of motion equations of linear and nonlinear systems, HCLPF factor calculation)
- Fatigue assessment, operational history evaluation – lifetime prediction (controlled aging), residual operational life
- Stability calculations
- Fluid-elastic structure interaction problems; seismic response of vertical and horizontal cylindrical tanks with fluid based on the Hausner ‘s method
- Brittle fracture
- Vibrations of tall vessels, slender chimneys subjected to wind loads, design of dampers, etc.
- Processing of measured data – loads (pressure, temperatures), vibrations, displacements, etc.
Design and Construction Activities:
- Designing of piping systems including supports and auxiliary steel structures
- Designing of pressure and non-pressure vessels, tanks, apparatus, and individual pipes including processing of manufacturing documentation
- Designing of the placement of process equipment in steel structures including processing of structural documentation
Site Inspections and Document Preparation:
- Accompanying documentation for classified equipment – scope and format determined by standards, codes, national laws and approved methodologies
- Design calculations
- Check calculations, stress analyses
- Proposals of corrective measures in case of unsatisfactory calculation results
- Methodology for calculation of documentary evidence
- General studies
- Piping design documentation
- Design documentation of tanks, vessels and apparatus
„With our team, you have access to experts capable of handling all kinds of calculations, even the most complex ones, transforming your project into a tangible reality and elevating it to the next level.“
We specialize in strength calculations for dimension design according to various standards, from basic to the most complex verification, most commonly FEM calculations.
Strength calculations and dynamic analyses of technological equipment, including supporting and auxiliary steel structures in the following areas:
- Nuclear energy
- Chemical and petrochemical industry
- Power engineering
- Water management facilities
- Piping systems including supports and auxiliary steel structures
- Pressure vessels, devices and tanks of any shapes, types and sizes, including anchorage
- Supporting steel structures and platforms
- Cranes, lifting equipment and assembly aids
- Pumps and fittings
- flange joints.
- Static
- Dynamic (including special loads such as wind, seismicity, operational vibrations, etc.)
- Temperature field (both steady-state and transient, including thermal shocks)
- Strength Calculations of other Types:
- Dynamic calculations (natural frequencies and modes even in complex fields, harmonic oscillations, mode shape development, direct integration for linear and nonlinear systems)
- Seismic calculations for arbitrarily defined excitations including response spectrum method (mono- and multispectral analyses) and HCLPF factor calculations
- Temperature field calculations (steady-state, transient) and thermomechanical calculations
- Fatigue calculations
- Stability calculations
- Calculations of various special problems, such as contact problems, fluid-elastic structure interaction problems, fracture mechanics, vibrations of tall slender vessels and chimneys in wind including the design of dampers, etc.
Additional Activities to Calculations:
- Processing of equipment condition documentation from a strength perspective
- Evaluation of results obtained from measurements (loads – temperatures, pressure, vibrations, displacements, etc.) from a strength and equipment lifespan perspective
- Controlled aging programs
- Probabilistic methods in strength calculations
- Inspection of pipeline routes and process equipment
- Non-computational assessment of pipeline routes for static and seismic loads
- Consulting services in the field of strength calculations for larger subcontractor systems and interdisciplinary coordination
- Peer reviews in the field of strength calculations
- Development of methodological materials for strength calculations
- Programming activities
- 3D modelling of structures and components of process equipment, including the creation of drawing documentation for strength calculations purposes
- For projects and designs, we utilize Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Autocad Plant 3D, AVEVA E3D, SYSTUS and special software: VVD – Visual Vessel Design, Pressure Vessel Design.